Where did all the dragons go? We searched in the hills and we searched down the canyons, we even scanned the depths of the caves with our armour, swords and lanterns. Oh, if only had we seen him lurch, from his glorious skull covered perch.
CRACK went his claws and SMACK swipped the tail, a ROAR of might, one big BITE.
Незабываемо не получается, забываемо не получается.. А что тогда получается, и чего ты хочешь?
Where did all the dragons go? We searched in the hills and we searched down the canyons, we even scanned the depths of the caves with our armour, swords and lanterns. Oh, if only had we seen him lurch, from his glorious skull covered perch.
CRACK went his claws and SMACK swipped the tail, a ROAR of might, one big BITE.
Where did all the dragons go? We searched in the hills and we searched down the canyons, we even scanned the depths of the caves with our armour, swords and lanterns. Oh, if only had we seen him lurch, from his glorious skull covered perch.
CRACK went his claws and SMACK swipped the tail, a ROAR of might, one big BITE.
А незабываемо ты жить не можешь, потому что самая незабываемая жизнь - это по принципу "дом-работа-дом". )
Where did all the dragons go? We searched in the hills and we searched down the canyons, we even scanned the depths of the caves with our armour, swords and lanterns. Oh, if only had we seen him lurch, from his glorious skull covered perch.
CRACK went his claws and SMACK swipped the tail, a ROAR of might, one big BITE.
Так или иначе, чем меньше в твоей жизни будет происходить вещей, тем меньше вероятность того, что ты их забудешь. Всё ещё уверен, что хотел бы жить незабываемо?
Where did all the dragons go? We searched in the hills and we searched down the canyons, we even scanned the depths of the caves with our armour, swords and lanterns. Oh, if only had we seen him lurch, from his glorious skull covered perch.
CRACK went his claws and SMACK swipped the tail, a ROAR of might, one big BITE.
SLAwww, притормози. Хочу прояснить одну деталь. Под "незабываемо" я имел в виду "так, чтоб остались острые ощущения", а не в строго прямом смысле. (Человек со своими четырьмя терабайтами и так ничего не забывает.)
Недавно вот полазил на железном пруте - подо мной метров пять свободного падения и бетонный пол)
Where did all the dragons go? We searched in the hills and we searched down the canyons, we even scanned the depths of the caves with our armour, swords and lanterns. Oh, if only had we seen him lurch, from his glorious skull covered perch.
CRACK went his claws and SMACK swipped the tail, a ROAR of might, one big BITE.
Where did all the dragons go? We searched in the hills and we searched down the canyons, we even scanned the depths of the caves with our armour, swords and lanterns. Oh, if only had we seen him lurch, from his glorious skull covered perch.
CRACK went his claws and SMACK swipped the tail, a ROAR of might, one big BITE.
Where did all the dragons go? We searched in the hills and we searched down the canyons, we even scanned the depths of the caves with our armour, swords and lanterns. Oh, if only had we seen him lurch, from his glorious skull covered perch.
CRACK went his claws and SMACK swipped the tail, a ROAR of might, one big BITE.
Это не объяснение. Мне нужны конкретные аргументы по поводу того, почему самое важное в жизни - это рискованные поступки.
Where did all the dragons go? We searched in the hills and we searched down the canyons, we even scanned the depths of the caves with our armour, swords and lanterns. Oh, if only had we seen him lurch, from his glorious skull covered perch.
CRACK went his claws and SMACK swipped the tail, a ROAR of might, one big BITE.
Нет, абсолютно для всех самое главное - это любовь, просто не все это понимают.
Where did all the dragons go? We searched in the hills and we searched down the canyons, we even scanned the depths of the caves with our armour, swords and lanterns. Oh, if only had we seen him lurch, from his glorious skull covered perch.
CRACK went his claws and SMACK swipped the tail, a ROAR of might, one big BITE.
SLAwww, ИМХО, глупость, но кто знает - все может быть. :Р Наверное, цель жизни в том, что бы найти для себя эту цель и прожить жизнь так, что бы ее достигнуть
Жизнь появляется благодаря любви, и существует до тех пор, пока любовь сдерживает энтропию смерти и разрушения. Жизнь - это непосредственное проявление любви.
Where did all the dragons go? We searched in the hills and we searched down the canyons, we even scanned the depths of the caves with our armour, swords and lanterns. Oh, if only had we seen him lurch, from his glorious skull covered perch.
CRACK went his claws and SMACK swipped the tail, a ROAR of might, one big BITE.
Where did all the dragons go? We searched in the hills and we searched down the canyons, we even scanned the depths of the caves with our armour, swords and lanterns. Oh, if only had we seen him lurch, from his glorious skull covered perch.
CRACK went his claws and SMACK swipped the tail, a ROAR of might, one big BITE.