ПКМ на видеоролике -> Параметры -> Отображение -> Снимаешь галочку "включить аппаратное ускорение", закрываешь параметры и перезагружаешь страницу с видео.
Where did all the dragons go? We searched in the hills and we searched down the canyons, we even scanned the depths of the caves with our armour, swords and lanterns. Oh, if only had we seen him lurch, from his glorious skull covered perch.
CRACK went his claws and SMACK swipped the tail, a ROAR of might, one big BITE.
Дело не в кодеках, это известная проблема, вызванная некомпетентностью работников Adobe. Возможно, очередной оплаченный Apple шаг навстречу их драгоценному HTML5.
Where did all the dragons go? We searched in the hills and we searched down the canyons, we even scanned the depths of the caves with our armour, swords and lanterns. Oh, if only had we seen him lurch, from his glorious skull covered perch.
CRACK went his claws and SMACK swipped the tail, a ROAR of might, one big BITE.