The idea of this project was to make one mappack as a group like it was done by some mapping groups while Serious Sam 1 was popular in 2001-2005 era. It was also organized so we can take a break from our bigger projects in a way that we make a smaller project with only vanilla assets.
All maps are between 15 and 60 minutes and are randomly put into order that form 1 continuity. Plot and weapons aren't carried over from one map to another and author of each map decides with what weapons you start the map.
Maps being in 1 continuity means that you can play all those maps without being brought back to main menu after each map. All maps are unlocked in level selection menu so you can choose to play any map that you want at any time. There are 9 maps in this mappack that have around 4-5 hours of playtime in total.
v1.1 changelog: Adjustments to Hollowed Courtyards and City of Tabriz maps
Этакий Великий Архив
Было бы классно:D